Heartlight Healing Center
Healing in Accordance with Nature
Welcome to the Heartlight Healing Center, an integrative health and wellness practice.
After a very long career in "western medicine" and the pharmaceutical industry, I created the Heartlight Healing Center in order to provide effective, proven, gentle, natural healing modalities through on-site and distance healing work.
My journey for spiritual and physical health began when, as a mother of a child with multiple health and learning challenges, I searched for answers to help my child that did not involve invasive, dangerous, toxic methods. In the course of my search I learned how to heal myself and others--gently, and even more effectively than the methods I had previously been taught.
In these pages you will find information regarding healing utilizing effective, natural methods that I have studied and practiced with great results for many years, including Homeopathy, CEASE Therapy, Reconnective Healing, Hypnosis, QHHT and MAP. These modalities are holistic in their approach, and can be applied to any condition, acute or chronic, for better health, healing, athletic or school performance, mental, emotional and spiritual development.
I came upon these amazing healing modalities on a journey for health, wellness, and spiritual development. They have served me well as a competitive athlete, not only to improve my performance, but also to heal and prevent injuries. They have enabled me to recover from trauma inflicted upon me, and to develop from the depths of depression into a joyful and spiritually intuitive being. I am thankful that I have found the way to heal myself and others, and I am grateful that I am now able to assist and teach others how to do the same.
I hope that you will find this information of value to you in your own journey for health, healing, or spiritual development.
My Contact Info
My Services
Classical Homeopathy
CEASE Therapy for Autism, ADD/ADHD, and Chronic Disease
Reconnective Healing
The Reconnection
MAP Practitioner and teacher